You Can Make it Yourself

Use your own creativity to make products that you can share with friends and family or sell. It's all up to you.


Make-it-Yourself Crafts (MIYCRAFTS)

I have been making jewelry and crafting for most of my life. It was my way of relaxing. Before I knew it I had tons of pieces created and a customer base that wanted more. Selling at craft venues were rewarding but as times changed so did that market. Shows dwindles but not my customer base.

So now we share our collections and other great collectibles.

  • Faith-Based, Whimsical, Stickers & Sticker Sheets

  • Handmade with Love

  • It's rewarding to made a product and have others fall in love with your design and compliment you on your work.
  • Joy

  • The pure magic in doing what you LOVE and the joy that comes with it.
  • Theme Stickers

  • Making things that make you smile!

Faith-Based, Whimsical, Stickers & Sticker Sheets

Our Sticker Shop

Handmade with Love

It's rewarding to made a product and have others fall in love with your design and compliment you on your work. Jewels & Gems by groovy61vibes


The pure magic in doing what you LOVE and the joy that comes with it. bags & t-shirts

Theme Stickers

Making things that make you smile! custom decals & stickers